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国外热门早盘交易系统 ForexMorningTrade System

吴明7年前 (2018-03-15)外汇4622

这个EA源自一个交易者的手动机械交易系统,该交易者在某论坛连续贴出每日交易结果,其惊人的表现令该贴迅速火爆。至今翻页达1573页。帖子地址: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/trading-journals/101770-forexmorningtrade-journal.html


非剥头皮EA,适用于任何交易商。交易策略简单,更容易复现历史表现。交易策略: 交易策略很简单:在欧洲早盘时间CET 7:30检查2个指标(CCI指标60期和动量指标Momentum 60期),只要动量指标在100以上并且CCI在0轴上开多单,反之开空单。如果没有同时满足条件不开仓。止盈40点止损40点,20点平保。据作者介绍该策略之所以有效是有基本因素支持的,原因是欧洲银行和亚洲银行在交替时期对于英镑的大宗交易。近几年的历史测试也证明这个策略的确是盈利的。









官网 http://www.forexmorningtrade.com 已经失效,ea ForexMorningTrade 4.2已经不再出售,小小上当受骗。













在接下来的部分,我将向您展示 如何安装和设置系统, 如何用它来进入和退出交易,你需要多少资本交易,如何管理风险等等。



Overview of Forex Morning Trade System早上外汇交易系统的概述

I believe you are already eager to see how我相信你已经渴望看到 Forex Morning Trade System早上外汇交易系统looks like. 的样子。I will explain everything in more details, including setting up the system in the following sections.我将在更多的细节解释一切,包括设置系统在以下部分中。


Some info for more experienced traders更有经验的交易员的一些信息

The system is based on sound fundaments. 该系统是基于良好的基础。It uses increase of volatility that happens in the beginning of European trading session, plus unique combination of indicators that give us high probability estimation on the direction of the future movement.它使用增加的波动发生在欧洲交易时段的开始,加上独特的指标组合给我们高概率估计在未来的方向运动。

So here is how the system looks on the chart:这里是如何系统图:


The system consists of two essential components:该系统由两个基本要素:

  1. Momentum indicator – standard Momentum indicator with 60 period, computed from Typical price动量指标——标准动量指标与60期,从典型的价格计算

  2. Commodity Channel Index – standard CCI indicator with 60 period, computed from Typical price商品频道指数——标准CCI指标与60期,从典型的价格计算

There is also an optional indicator that will help you with the trade:还有一个可选指标,将帮助您与贸易:

  • FxMorningTrade indicator (optional) – it displays the time when we should enter the trade, plus optional entry price, stop loss and profit target levelsFxMorningTrade指示器(可选)——它显示的时候我们应该进入贸易,加上可选的入门价格,止损和利润目标的水平

That’s the system.这是系统。It looks quite simple, right..?看起来很简单,对吧?Let’s now install the various components and then go through the whole system in more details.现在让我们安装各种组件,然后通过整个系统更多的细节。


Setting up Forex Morning Trade System早上设置外汇交易系统

In this section I will take you step by step through everything you need to set up so that you can start using the system.在本小节中,我将带你一步一步通过所有你需要设置,这样您就可以开始使用这个系统。

It is important to note that Forex Morning Trade System and its indicators have been designed to work with the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. 重要的是要注意,早上外汇交易系统及其指标设计与MetaTrader 4交易平台。MetaTrader is widely used trading software, and you can download it for FREE from your broker. MetaTrader是广泛使用的交易软件,你可以免费下载从你的代理。You’ll see how to install it in the following sections.您将看到如何将它安装在以下部分中。


Installing the indicators安装指标

When you successfully installed MetaTrader, you can proceed to install the indicators. 当您成功安装MetaTrader,您可以继续安装指标。It is very simple, don’t worry.它很简单,别担心。

Both Momentum and CCI are standard indicators available in every MetaTrader, so you don’t need to install them.动量和CCI每个MetaTrader标准指标可用,所以你不需要安装它们。

Forex Morning Trade System comes with one custom indicator – called FxMorningTrade. 早上外汇交易系统有一个自定义的指标——称为FxMorningTrade。It is quite helpful indicator, as it shows us when we should trade and even what the stop loss and profit target levels are.很有用的指标,因为它告诉我们当我们应该是贸易和止损和获利的目标水平。

This indicator is available with this book (file FxMorningTrade.ex4). 该指标可以与这本书(文件FxMorningTrade.ex4)。If for any reason you don’t have this indicator, please contact me on the support email.如果因为任何原因你没有这个指标,支持电子邮件请与我联系。

Before doing anything, shut down MetaTrader. 在做任何事之前,MetaTrader关闭。The indicator file (FxMorningTrade.ex4) has to be copied to the directory /experts/indicators of your installed MetaTrader software,指标文件(FxMorningTrade.ex4)必须复制到你的安装目录/专家/指标MetaTrader的软件,

For example:例如:C:C:/Program Files/MetaTrader4/experts/indicators.程序文件/ MetaTrader4 /专家/指标。


Installing the template安装模板

The preconfigured already contains all the indicators with the correct setup, so you don’t need to do it manually. 预配置已经包含所有正确的指标设置,所以你不需要手动启动。Installation is quite simple, and similar to installing the indicators before.安装很简单,类似于安装前的指标。

The template file (fx_morning_trade.tpl) has to be copied to the directory /templates of your installed MetaTrader software,模板文件(fx_morning_trade.tpl)必须复制到你的安装目录/模板MetaTrader的软件,

For example例如:C:C:/Program Files/MetaTrader4/templates./程序文件/ MetaTrader4 /模板。


Opening the chart打开图

You can start MetaTrader now. 你现在可以开始MetaTrader。To open the chart, click on the New chart icon on the top left corner and choose GBPUSD currency pair.打开图,点击新建图表图标并选择左上角GBPUSD货币对。

This opens the chart for GBPUSD with default settings. 这将打开图GBPUSD的默认设置。You will see green bar chart on black background that is set to 1 hour timeframe. 你会看到绿色柱状图在黑色背景设置为1小时时间。Something like the picture below.像下面的图片。



First thing we need to do is to change timeframe to 15 minutes. 我们需要做的第一件事就是改变时间15分钟。You can do it by clicking on the M15 icon on the top of the chart.你可以通过点击M15图标上方的图表。


Now we have the chart in the correct timeframe, and we’ll apply the Forex Morning Trade template.现在我们有图表正确的时间表,我们会申请外汇早上贸易模板。

Click anywhere on the chart with the right mouse button, and choose Template, then Fx_morning_trade from the menu.点击任何地方图表用鼠标右键,并选择模板,然后从菜单Fx_morning_trade。


This will apply our custom template to the chart, with all the required indicators, etc.这将我们的自定义模板图,提供所有所需的指标等。

If you don’t see the Fx_morning_trade template in the menu, you incorrectly installed your template(described in 3.4 section of this book). 如果你看不到Fx_morning_trade模板菜单,你错误的安装模板(本书3.4节中描述)。Try it again and then shut down and restart MetaTrader.再试一次,然后关闭并重启MetaTrader。

What we see now is the chart with all the required indicators.我们现在看到的是与所有的图表所需的指标。


I will explain the chart and all the indicators after we’ll complete the whole setup.我将解释图表和指标后我们将完成整个设置。

Almost the last thing we need to do is to synchronize the time of the FxMorningTrade indicator with the time zone of your broker.几乎我们需要做的最后一件事就是同步的时候FxMorningTrade与时区的代理指标。

Remember that different brokers use different time zones, which means that the same candle (bar) on the chart can have value 8:30am at one broker, and 6:30am at记住,不同的经纪人使用不同的时区,这意味着相同的蜡烛(bar)图表可以有价值8:30在一个代理,和在早上6点30分之

We will check for trading signal every day at 5:30am GMT, so we need to make sure our indicator is set up properly.我们将检查交易信号5:30am GMT的每一天,所以我们需要确保我们的指标设置正确。

To determine the time zone of your broker,确定你的经纪人的时区,simply scroll the chart to the只需滚动图表 right to the very last bar最后一栏, and check what its time is (MetaTrader has to be connected and must receive data).,并检查它的时间是(MetaTrader必须连接和必须接受数据)。


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I can see that the broker time at the last candle is 18:45. 我可以看到代理时间在最后18:45蜡烛。When I’ll check the real time in GMT time zone, it is 16:42. 当我将在格林尼治时间时区实时检查,它是16:42。The broker time is always rounded up to 15 minutes, so it won’t have 18:42, but 18:45.代理时间总是围捕了15分钟,所以它不会有18:42,但18:45。

From this observation I see that the broker time is two hours higher than current GMT time, in another words, it uses GMT + 2 time zone. 从这个观察我发现代理时间是两个小时高于当前GMT时间,换句话说,它使用两个时区。So when in reality we will trade at 5:30am GMT, in MetaTrader platform of this broker we’ll see 7:30am.当在现实中我们将贸易5:30am GMT MetaTrader平台的代理我们将看到有。

Now we should set up our现在我们应该建立 FxMorningTrade indicatorFxMorningTrade指示器so that it uses broker time.所以,它使用代理时间。

Click anywhere on the chart with the right mouse button, and choose Indicators List from the menu.点击任何地方图表用鼠标右键,并选择从菜单中指标列表。


This will display the list of indicators that are on this chart. 这将显示在这个图表的指标列表。Choose FxMorningTrade indicator, and click on the Edit button.选择FxMorningTrade指示器,并单击Edit按���。


It will open the indicator settings dialog.它将打开指标设置对话框。


Here, the BeginTime should be the time when we are checking for signal (which is 5:30am), but in broker time zone. 这里,BeginTime应该当我们检查的时间信号(5:30am),但在代理时区。We know that broker uses GMT+2 time zone, so we should change BeginTime to 07:30, and set EndTime to two hours later (09:30).我们知道,代理使用2个时区,所以我们应该改变BeginTime 07:30时,设置EndTime两小时后(09:30)。

Always use format HH:MM, for example 07:30, and not 7:30.总是使用格式HH:MM,例如07:30时,而不是7点半。


Click OK to confirm the dialog, and then Close to close the Indicators List window.单击OK确认对话框,然后关闭关闭指标列表窗口。

The very last thing we should do is to display the Data window. 我们最不应该做的是显示数据窗口。Go to the MetaTrader menu, and click on the Data Window menu.去MetaTrader菜单,点击数据窗口菜单。


In the same way, display also the Terminal window. 同样,显示的终端窗口。Go to the MetaTrader menu, and click on the Terminal menu.去MetaTrader菜单,点击终端菜单。


Chart & Indicators explained图表和指标解释

Now that we have everything ready, our MetaTrader looks like this:现在我们已经一切准备就绪,我们MetaTrader看起来像这样:


I will shortly explain all the indicators we will be using.我不久将解释我们将使用所有的指标。


1 – Momentum1 -动量

The Momentum indicator is a speed of movement (or rate of change) indicator, that is designed to identify the speed (or strength) of a price movement.运动的动量指标是速度(或变化率)指标,用于识别速度(或强度)的价格运动。

In other words you should be buying when the price is picking up momentum and selling when thatmomentum has been lost.换句话说,你应该购买时价格回升势头和销售thatmomentum已经丢失。

We use Momentum with period 60, computed from typical price.我们使用动量60,从典型的价格计算。


The rule is that we go long only if the Momentum is higher than 100, and go short if Momentum is lower than 100.规则是,我们只有在高于100年,短如果低于100年。


2 – Commodity Chanel Index – CCI2 -香奈儿商品指数(CCI

The Commodity Channel Index indicator is based on an observation that the market moves in cyclical movements which means high and low of the price are coming in periodic intervals and in consecutive fashion. 商品频道指数指标是基于观察,市场走势的周期性运动这意味着高和低价格的连续周期性间隔和时尚。So, if we can detect those cycles we can detect the beginning and the ending of所以,如果我们可以检测到这些周期检测的开始和结束
the trend.这一趋势。

CCI is used to help identify price reversals, price extremes and trend strength.CCI用于帮助确定价格逆转,价格极端和趋势的力量。

We use CCI with period 60, computed from typical price.我们使用CCI与周期60,从典型的价格计算。



The rule is to go long if CCI is above 0, or go short if CCI is below zero.规则是去长如果CCI大于0,或者做空如果CCI低于零。


3 – FxMorningTrade indicator3 - FxMorningTrade指示器

I will explain my custom FxMorningTrade indicator – an optional component that simplifies the trading by checking the signals for us.我将解释我的自定义FxMorningTrade指标——一个可选组件,简化了交易通过检查我们的信号。

One function of FxMorningTrade indicator is toFxMorningTrade指示器是一个函数 draw blue background on the chart画上的蓝色背景图, indicating the start of our trading hour. 开始,表明我们的贸易小时。If everything is set up correctly according to the previous steps, we should buy or sell at the first candle that enters the blue zone.如果一切都正确设置根据前面的步骤,我们应该购买或出售在第一个蜡烛,进入蓝区。


The second function of the indicator is to give us helpful text information about the trade signal.第二个函数的指标给我们有用的文本信息交易信号。

In the picture on the left, you see the indicator when the time is different than our trading time.在左边的图片中,可以看到该指标的时候比我们的交易时间是不同的。

On the right, you see how it looks at 5:30am GMT, when we should enter the trade.在右边,你看看它看起来5:30am GMT,当我们应该进入贸易。

The indicator checks the rules of the system and gives us a clear guide to go LONG (buy), SHORT (sell) or NO TRADE.指示器检查的规则系统和给我们一个清晰的指导去长(买),短(出售)或贸易。

In addition to that, it also gives us the ideal entry price and Profit Target and Stop Loss levels.除此之外,它还为我们提供了理想的入门价格和利润目标和止损水平。

It really cannot be simpler than that.真的不能比这更简单。

Now let’s look at the Forex Morning Trade System rules.现在让我们看看早上外汇交易系统的规则。


Forex Morning Trade System rules早上外汇交易系统的规则


Entering the trade进入贸易

As I said earlier, our trading time is 5:30am GMT time. 就像我之前说的,我们的交易时间是格林尼治时间5:30am时间。You should get to the computer about 5 minutes before 5:30 and wait until the candle finishes.你应该电脑在五点半之前大约5分钟,直到蜡烛结束。

For indicator values, you should check the chart at a close of 5:15am candle at 5:30am.值为指标,您应该检查图表的近清晨5:15在5:30am蜡烛。

I use Alpari UK broker, so 5:30am GMT is 7:30am in broker time that you see on the charts.我用消化英国代理,所以5:30am GMT是有代理,你看到的图表。


LONG signal长信号

We will go LONG (buy) if and only if ALL the following conditions are met:我们将做多(买)当且仅当所有满足下列条件:

  1. Momentum(60) of the 5:15am candle is higher than 100 AND lower than 100,8 (in other words between 100 and 100,8)动量(60)清晨5:15蜡烛高于100,低于100年8(换句话说,在100年至100年之间,8)

  2. CCI(60) of the 5:15am candle is higher than 0CCI(60)清晨5:15蜡烛高于0
    Then we will然后我们将 BUYat Market price.在市场价格。



We can see that Momentum is above 100 (but below 100,8) and CCI is also above 0, so we enter Long by Market price.我们可以看到,动量是100以上(但低于100,8)和CCI也高于0,所以我们进入长,市场价格。


SHORT signal短的信号

We will go SHORT (sell) if and only if ALL the following conditions are met:我们将做空(出售)当且仅当所有满足下列条件:

  1. Momentum(60) of the 5:15am candle is lower than 100 AND higher than 99,2 (in other words between 99,2 and 100)动量(60)清晨5:15蜡烛低于100年和99年比,2(换句话说99 2和99)

  2. CCI (60) of the 5:15am candle is lower than 0CCI(60)清晨5:15蜡烛低于0
    Then we will然后我们将 SELL出售at Market price.在市场价格。



We can see that Momentum is below 100 (but above 99,2) and CCI is also below 0, so we enter Short by Market price.我们可以看到,动量是低于100(但高于99,2)和CCI也低于0,所以我们进入短了市场价格。



We will NOT TRADE for the day if some of the conditions are not met.我们不会交易一天如果某些条件不满足。
For example Momentum >100, but CCI < 0; 例如动量> 100,但是CCI < 0;or if Momentum > 100,8或者如果动量> 100,8



At 22 July 2010, you can see that the conditions to enter either long or short were not filled.在2010年7月22日,你可以看到条件进入或长或短的没有了。Momentum is动量是 below下面100One hundred., but,但CCI isCCI是 above以上00.

The exact values of Momentum and CCI are visible on Data window on the left side. 动量和CCI的确切值数据窗口左侧可见。You can notice that also the FxMorningTrade indicator gave us NO TRADE signal.你也可以注意到FxMorningTrade指标给我们没有交易信号。


Using the FxMorningTrade indicator使用FxMorningTrade指示器

In the example screenshots before I hid my FxMorningTrade indicator, so that you understand the core of the rules.在示例截图之前我藏FxMorningTrade指标,这样你理解的核心规则。

My FxMorningTrade indicator makes it very convenient to trade, because it我FxMorningTrade贸易指标很方便,因为它 automatically checks the conditions自动检查的条件for you and give you the guidance – LONG, SHORT or NO TRADE.给你和给你指导,长,短或没有贸易。


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Warning!警告!Don’t rely solely on this indicator. 不要仅仅依靠这个指标。At least in the beginning you should read the indicators for yourself. 至少在开始的时候你应该读自己的指标。You should always know what you are doing and double check before you enter the trade.你应该知道你在做什么之前,仔细检查你进入贸易。


Exiting the trade退出贸易

We will always use我们总是使用fixed Profit Target固定的利润目标 40 pips40 pip值andfixed Stop Loss固定的止损 40 pips40 pip值. After we enter the trade, we don’t manage it; 在我们进入贸易,我们不管理;we simply wait until it hits profit or loss. 我们只是等待,直到它击中损益。You can leave the computer and check the result in the evening or next morning.你可以把电脑和检查结果在晚上或第二天早上。

ALWAYS DOUBLECHECK总是DOUBLECHECKthat you have set your Stop Loss and Profit Target properly before leaving the computer!你已经正确设置止损和利润目标离开电脑前!


Practical example of a trade贸易的实际例子


I will give you a practical example of how I read the signal and enter the position, including setting the profit and stop loss targets.我将给你一个实际的例子我读信号并输入位置,包括利润和止损设定目标。

23 July 20102010年7月23日


You can see above that we’ve got a clear LONG signal.你可以看到上面,我们有一个清晰的信号。Momentum was动力是 over 100超过100,CCI wasCCI是 over 0在0– we can see it also on the FxMorningTrade indicator that gave us LONG signal.——我们还可以看到它FxMorningTrade指标给我们长信号。

Now we have to enter a long position at a market price. 现在我们要进入一个多头市场价格。I do it by clicking on the New Order button on the toolbar.我通过点击工具栏上的新订单按钮。


This will open us an Order dialog.这将打开我们订单对话框。


Since we are entering at market price, we have act quickly, before the price moves too much.自从我们进入市场价格,我们就迅速行动,在价格变动太多。

I will check the volume, which means the number of lots I’m trading with. 我将检查音量,这意味着很多我交易的数量。You will read more about that in the next chapter Money management.你会了解更多关于,在下一章金钱管理。

Next, I have to set up the Stop Loss and Profit Target levels. 接下来,我要设置止损和利润目标的水平。To make it quickly, I’ll use the help of FxMorningTrade Indicator that gives us these levels computed for optimal entry price.很快,我将使用FxMorningTrade指示器的帮助给了我们这些为最佳的入门价格水平计算。

In the screenshot below you can see that I copied the values from the indicator (rounded to 4 decimal points).在下面的屏幕截图中你可以看到,我复制的值指标(四舍五入小数点4日)。


Then, because we are going LONG I click on a Buy button in the dialog. 然后,因为我们要长点击购买按钮在对话框中。If the signal was SHORT, I would click on the Sell button.如果信号很短,我就点击出售按钮。


It will send the trade to the broker.它将发送贸易代理。

When the trade is processed, which usually takes about 1-2 seconds, the program displays confirmation dialogue.加工贸易时,通常需要大约1 - 2秒,程序显示确认对话。


It confirms the trade and also our price plus Stop Loss and Profit Target.它也证实了贸易和我们的价格+止损和利润目标。

So now I opened a new long trade, I bought for 1.52917, my Stop Loss is at 1.5250 (41,7 pips from my price) and my Profit Target is at 1,5330 (38,3 pips from my price).现在我开了一个新的长期贸易,我买了1.52917,我的止损在1.5250(41岁,7点从我的价格)和我的利润目标是1,5330年从我的价格)(38岁的3点。


We can see the opened position also in the Terminal window on the bottom.我们还可以看到打开的位置在终端窗口底部。

You should realize that because we have to act quickly and the price constantly moves, I don’t have time to compute Stop Loss and Profit Target absolutely exactly. 你应该意识到,我们必须迅速行动,因为价格不断移动,我没有时间来计算止损和利润目标绝对没错。Instead, I use the values provided by FxMorningTrade indicator. 相反,我使用FxMorningTrade指标提供的值。The difference is usually within 1-2 pips, which is pretty acceptable.不同的是通常在1 - 2点,这是相当可以接受的。

If you want to change these values to exact 40 pips, you can always edit the position from the Terminal window, by right clicking on it and choosing Modify or Delete Order.如果你想改变这些值精确40 pip值,你可以编辑终端窗口的位置,通过右键单击它并选择修改或删除订单。

Also, some brokers don’t allow setting Stop Loss and Profit target values on market order. 同时,一些经纪人不允许设置止损和获利目标价值市场秩序。If you use such broker, you simply create a market order and then set Stop Loss and Profit levels by Modify or Delete Order.如果你使用这样的代理,您只需创建一个市场秩序,然后设置止损和获利水平,修改或删除订单。

And how the trade finished?以及贸易如何完成了吗?


After the entry it went down a little, going close to our Stop Loss, but then it reversed and went up as expected. 入境后下降,接近我们的止损,但接着又逆转,如预期。Two and half hours later it hit our profit target, and两个半小时后达到利润目标,和we have made我们取得了 38,3 pips38岁的3点.


Money management资金管理

Money (or risk) management is the钱(或风险)管理的 most important part of the trading最重要的是交易的一部分, MM is what will determine if you will make money or lose them in the end.MM就是将决定你是否会赚钱或失去他们。

There is a saying that有一个说 the only thing the trader can control is his risk唯一的交易员可以控制他的风险. You cannot control the market, or where the price will go, the only thing you can really control is how much you risk in one trade.你不能控制市场,或者价格会去哪里,你唯一能控制多少你在一个贸易风险。

If you’ll risk too much, you can win a lot but you can also lose a lot. Trading is not a gambling, it is a business. 如果你过多的风险,你可以赢得很多但你也可以失去很多。交易不是赌博,这是一个业务。You should take the long term view of trading, not the get-rich-quick approach.你应该从长远考虑,不是快速致富的方法。


Rule 1规则1Always use Stop Loss总是使用止损

Stop Loss (SL) is an order that will tell the system to cancel the trade at the given loss, if the market is going against us. 止损(SL)是一种秩序将告诉系统取消的贸易损失,如果市场对我们。This way it protects us by keeping our loses defined and small. 这种方式保护我们通过保持失去定义和小。Trading without SL or moving SL will eventually lead to account wipeout.交易没有SL或移动SL最终将导致账户被浪打翻。

If the market is going against us, we should simply accept the small loss and quit the trade. 如果市场对我们,我们应该只是接受小的损失和退出交易。All trading systems are based on probability or some edge. 所有的交易系统都是基于概率或一些优势。There is no system that will only win. 没有系统,只会赢。Losses are a part of the trading, and what matters is the positive result at the end of the month or year, not today’s loss.亏损是交易的一部分,重要的是积极的结果在月底或一年,不是今天的损失。

Forex Morning Trade System uses fixed Stop Loss of 40 pips, so you will never lose more than 40 pips on one trade.早上外汇交易系统使用固定止损的40 pip值,所以你永远不会失去超过40个pip值在一个贸易。


Rule 2规则2NOT risk more than 2 % of your trading account on one trade不超过2%的风险交易帐户在一个贸易

This means that if you have account with $2,000 capital, you should risk maximum 2% of it on one trade, which is $40.这意味着如果你有2000美元资本帐户,你应该在一个贸易风险最高的2%,这是40美元。

Because our Stop Loss is always 40 pips, you can trade Forex Morning Trade with 0.1 standard lot (which is 1 minilot, and 1 pip is $1).因为我们的止损总是40 pip值,你可以用0.1标准很多贸易外汇早上贸易(也就是1 minilot,1 pip是1美元)。

If you have account with $ 10,000 capital, your 2 % risk is $200. 如果你有账户10000美元资本,你2%的风险是200美元。Because our Stop Loss is always 40 pips, you can compute the lots size using the formula:因为我们的止损总是40 pip值,您可以使用公式计算很多大小: MinilotsMinilots= (risked amount) / (SL in pips)数量=(冒)/(SL pip值).

In our case在我们的案例中: $200/40 pips = 5 minilots (which is 0.5 standard lots and 1 pip equals to $5):$ 200/40 pip值= 5 minilots(0.5标准很多1 pip等于5美元)

So, with $10,000 capital and trading 0.5 lots, if Forex Morning Trade System wins, you’ll earn $200, if it loses, you lose $200.所以,0.5 10000美元资本和交易很多,如果早上外汇交易系统获胜,你会赚200美元,如果输了,你输了200美元。

A good rule to remember一个好的规则要记住: if I use 0.1 lot, then 1 pip = $1. :如果我用0.1,然后1点= 1美元。If I use 0.2 lots, then 1 pip = $2 and so on.如果我用0.2,然后1点= $ 2等等。


Real Trade Examples真正的贸易的例子


I will list real trades for two consecutive weeks from the past to give you a better overview of different situations. 我将列出真实交易连续两周从过去给你���个更好的不同情况的概述。Just to remember, I use Alpari UK broker, so 5:30am GMT is 7:30am in broker time that you see on the charts.记住,我使用消化英国代理,所以5:30am格林尼治时间是有代理,你看到的图表。


12 July 20102010年7月12日


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was below 100 (but above 99,2) and CCI was also below 0, so we entered into a short position. 动量在7:15am蜡烛是低于100(但高于99,2)和CCI也低于0,我们进入一个空头头寸。Three more candles later the price hit our Profit Target and we made 40 pips.三个蜡烛后,价格达到利润目标,我们做了40点。

Recommended Article:推荐文章: RSI Williams Percent Range Forex Simple and Effective Trading Strategy肢体重复性劳损症威廉姆斯百分比范围外汇简单而有效的交易策略

Result of the day:结果一天: + 40 pips+ 40 pip值


13 July 20102010年7月13日


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was below 100 (but above 99,2) and CCI was also below 0, so we entered into a short position. 动量在7:15am蜡烛是低于100(但高于99,2)和CCI也低于0,我们进入一个空头头寸。Two more candles later the price hit our Profit Target and we made 40 pips.两个蜡烛后,价格达到利润目标,我们做了40点。

Result of the day:结果一天: + 40 pips+ 40 pip值


14 July 20102010年7月14日


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was above 100 (but below 100,8) and CCI was also above 0, so we entered into a long position. 动量7:15am蜡烛是100以上(但低于100,8)和CCI也高于0,我们进入一个长的位置。Seven more candles later the price hit our Profit Target and we made 40 pips.七蜡烛后,价格达到利润目标,我们做了40点。

Result of the day:结果一天: + 40 pips+ 40 pip值


15 July 20102010年7月15日


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was above 100 (but below 100,8) and CCI was also above 0, so we entered into a long position. 动量7:15am蜡烛是100以上(但低于100,8)和CCI也高于0,我们进入一个长的位置。Eleven more candles later the price hit our Profit Target and we made 40 pips.11多蜡烛之后价格达到利润目标,我们做了40点。

Result of the day:结果一天: + 40 pips+ 40 pip值


16 July 20102010年7月16日


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was above 100, but CCI was below 0, so we don’t have conditions to go either long or short. 动量在7:15am蜡烛是100以上,但CCI低于0,所以我们没有条件去长或短。This day we will be not trading.这一天我们将会没有交易。

Result of the day:结果一天: 0 pips0点


19 July 20102010年7月19日


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was below 100, but CCI was above 0, so we don’t have conditions to go either long or short. 动量在7:15am蜡烛低于100年,但CCI高于0,所以我们没有条件去长或短。This day we will be not trading.这一天我们将会没有交易。

Result of the day:结果一天: 0 pips0点


20 July 20102010年7月20


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was above 100 (but below 100,8) and CCI was also above 0, so we entered into a long position. 动量7:15am蜡烛是100以上(但低于100,8)和CCI也高于0,我们进入一个长的位置。Four more candles later the price hit our Profit Target and we made 40 pips.四个蜡烛后,价格达到利润目标,我们做了40点。

Result of the day:结果一天: + 40 pips+ 40 pip值


21 July 20102010年7月21日


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was above 100 (but below 100,8) and CCI was also above 0, so we entered into a long position. 动量7:15am蜡烛是100以上(但低于100,8)和CCI也高于0,我们进入一个长的位置。Four more candles later the price almost reached our Profit Target (with only a few pips difference), but then fell sharply and hit our Stop Loss.四个蜡烛后,价格几乎达到利润目标(只有几个pip值差异),然后急剧下降,袭击了我们的止损。

Result of the day:结果一天: – 40 pips- 40 pip值


22 July 20102010年7月22日

The Momentum at 7:15am candle was below 100, but CCI was above 0, so we don’t have conditions to go either long or short. 动量在7:15am蜡烛低于100年,但CCI高于0,所以我们没有条件去长或短。This day we will be not trading.这一天我们将会没有交易。

Result of the day:结果一天: 0 pips0点


23 July 20102010年7月23日


The Momentum at 7:15am candle was above 100 (but below 100,8) and CCI was also above 0, so we entered into a long position. 动量7:15am蜡烛是100以上(但低于100,8)和CCI也高于0,我们进入一个长的位置。Four more candles later the price hit our Profit Target and we made 40 pips.四个蜡烛后,价格达到利润目标,我们做了40点。

Result of the day:结果一天: + 40 pips+ 40 pip值


Total results for the two weeks两周的总结果

12 July:7月12日: +40 pips+ 40 pip值
13 July:7月13日: +40 pips+ 40 pip值
14 July:7月14日: +40 pips+ 40 pip值
15 July:7月15日: +40 pips+ 40 pip值
16 July: 0 pips7月16日:0 pip值
19 July: 0 pips7月19日:0 pip值
20 July:7月20日: +40 pips+ 40 pip值
21 July:7月21日: -40 pips-40点子
22 July: 0 pips7月22日:0 pip值
23 July:7月23日: +40 pips+ 40 pip值

Total in two weeks:总在两周内: +200 pips+ 200点

If you were trading the system with 1 standard lot, you would have earned $2000 in these two weeks only!如果你是交易系统1的标准很多,你会在这两周只赚了2000美元!

Of course, not all weeks are like this. 当然,并不是所有的周是这样的。These two weeks were extraordinary even for this system. 这两周是非同寻常的即使对这个系统。You have to be prepared that there will be weeks or months where you’ll make nothing, or even will be 40 or 80 pips in minus.你必须做好准备,将会有几周或几个月,你会不理解,甚至会在- 40或80点子。

But my real trading and back tests show that the most months you will end in profit, and the profits are usually much higher than losses.但是我真正的交易和测试表明,最个月你会在利润,利润通常远高于损��。


Questions & Answers问题&答案


  • Can I really trade successfully in the Forex market using the Forex Morning Trade system?我真的能成功交易在外汇市场上早上使用外汇交易系统?
    Yes, I truly believe so. 是的,我相信如此。I use the system myself, and you can see how successful it is for me in the results. 我使用这个系统,你可以看到成功的结果。这对我来说是The system is very easy to use, so there is no reason why you shouldn’t get the same results as me.系统很容易使用,所以没有理由和我你不应该得到相同的结果。

  • How much money do I need to trade the currency market?多少钱我需要贸易外汇市场吗?
    You can start with as little as $200, trading with micro lots.你可以从200美元开始,与微很多交易。

  • How much money can I really make?我真的能赚多少钱?
    That is impossible to say. 这是不可能的。First point I want to make is that this system is no “Holy Grail”. 第一点我想让这个系统是否定的“圣杯”。No system can guarantee only winning trades. 没有系统可以保证只有赢得交易。Profiting in the long run comes down to making more than you lose.长期获利归结为制造更多比你输。Having said that, I am confident that by using the Forex Morning Trade system your winning trades will outnumber the losing ones.已经说过,我相信,通过使用外汇的早晨在交易中交易系统会比失去的多。


    Your earnings will depend on many things – your account size, your discipline and also current market conditions. 你的收益将取决于很多东西——你的帐户大小,你们的纪律以及当前的市场条件。You can see in the results that the past monthly performance varies from 80 to 400 pips per month, and very few months end with zero or small minus.在结果中可以看到,过去月度表现变化从80年到400年每月pip值,和几个月以0或小-结束。

    If you make only +100 pips per month (each pip has a value of $10 in GBP/USD), you can earn about $1 000/month by trading only one lot. If you are more experienced, and trade with more lots, let’s say 10, you’ll earn about $10 000/month.如果你每月只+ 100点(每个pip值10美元,英镑/美元),你可以获得约000美元/月的交易只有一个。如果你更有经验,和贸易有很多,比如说,你将会获得大约000美元/月。

Forex Morning Trade Strategy – Once you handle it on a few demo trades, you can use it on live account – providing you trade with adequate risk, discipline and other conditions of successful trader.早上外汇交易策略——一旦你处理一些演示交易,您可以使用它在流水账——为你提供足够的风险,成功交易员的纪律和其他条件。

售价:1 RMB




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